The Vanishing Radio Stereo new
Trick + Prop + DVD
The new models!!!
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Vanishing radio is an old illusion, this version is very smart and very reallistic.
Two wooden boxes and midi stereo tower vanishes.
Could be wooden boxes, but also metal, black or red...
Size: 50 x 30 x 25 cm. "Wooden" or "Metal" boxes...
Complete in aluminium transport case.
A vanishing radio, includes a table, a cover and instructions DVD,
everything in a metal case... Size: 50 x 30 x 25 cm
1.The vanishing radio, really can make sound ?
1.Vanishing radio do not made sound! But in the radio is a system, which understand music in surround and let play lights on the radio with music...So if you have in a hous sound system music, the lights in radio will play synchronized with this music (you see in video)...
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